My next destination

2012 was a pretty epic year. Within the space of 12 months I managed to haul my sorry unemployed bum to London, score myself a dream internship at My Destination, transform said internship into my dream job, move house twice, go on my first press trip (to Sweden), and win myself a trip to Thailand.
Pretty sweet huh? It gets even better…
This time last year I had been back from travelling for two weeks. I was a whole new person; completely and utterly refreshed, I had returned with a happy glow and an attitude to match. But I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. If you had told me then that January 2013 would see me working for LONELY PLANET - I would have laughed in your face.
And now I really am laughing, having bagged myself a role as Online Content Producer in the London LP offices. The role isn’t quite as glamorous as it sounds, but foot in the door much? It’s exciting. It’s overwhelming. It’s a teensy bit scary. But it’s really happening.
Bring it on!